Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The first Three Weeks

It's been three weeks into my adventure in California and this is the first time I've managed to actually sit down and write about it in a way that people will be reading. It feels like there's no good, concise way to sum up the last month or so, but I'll do my best.

Since all voyages must have a beginning, mine started with a train ride from Omaha, NE to San Jose, CA. It was long, but definitely worth it. I met some interesting people, including a lady from Spain, now living in D.C., who loves to tell stories and a man who was very confused by my wearing University of Minnesota sweat pants and a Reeths-Puffer high school shirt. Equally confusing to most people were my huge suitcase and guitar, the only 2 pieces of luggage I took with me on the train. As a matter of fact, 3 weeks later, I'm still living out of that same suitcase, wearing the same clothing that I've been cycling through for the last month. Needless to say, I'm looking forward to the box that's coming from home next week with some extra clothing and other luxuries.

I went through a week of orientation, which included meeting my roommates for the first time, the people I'll be spending the next year with, and 50 other Jesuit Volunteers serving in California. It was a nice transition into the year, complete with walks on the beach, great food and meaningful discussion. And then, after a 6 hour car ride, we arrived in Los Angeles and were welcomed by community members with pizza. As I keep being reminded, this is a year of simple living and taking advantage of free food. The next day we got a tour of the area and the other placement sites of my housemates and I saw where I would be working for the next year. I gotta say, while I was excited, I was also a bit nervous. The nerves sank in even more on the first day. I was the last one out of the house, so I'd seen my housemates embark into their new realities, going out to do various jobs in our neighborhood. I had an easy commute, so thankfully I didn't manage to get lost, (one major fear out of the way!) I read through all sorts of stuff from the previous JV on how to do my job (she had a lot of helpful advice after her year here.) and then I had one day to get used to the office, the staff and to figure out where everything was before the kids arrived the next day. It was nervewracking, but with the help of the other staff I felt somewhat prepared for the next day. With the constant refrain of "be strict with the kids first and their friend second" I braced myself for the elementary.

Now, I can't compare myself to what has been in the past and I certainly can't say that the kids listen to me 100% of the time, but I can say, for the most part, I am having fun. The best part of my day is after the kids show up or when I'm showing people around the place. I'm now beginning my 3rd week of work.

I came into this year, only a couple weeks ago, trying to discern, among other things, if I am being called to be a teacher. I can't answer that yet. If I had a time machine to 2 weeks ago, though, I would tell myself not to worry as much as I did. I know this experience has just begun and I'm looking forward to the paths that will be taken this year. I can already see some progress that I have made with the kids, the fact that they trust me to help them with homework. I am happy in the present.

*There's so much else to tell, like about our first trip to the beach (great time, bad sunburn) or just how great my housemates are, but since my 1st worry of the year was that I would disappoint my placement (job) that's what I wrote about first. The rest will come in time.

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